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Gaming DMS


The Advantech Gaming DMS is a professional gaming computing DMS (Design and Manufacturing Services) with extensive experience in product development and vertical integration capabilities. Our diversified product lines include security solutions, gaming motherboards, system and machine integration service, which apply to casinos (slot machines, bingo games, AWP, table games), arcades (racing games, fighting games, kids' games, musical games), recreation (dart machines, touch games, golf machines) markets.

At Advantech, we take pride in our well-diversified service portfolio, unique designs, flexible manufacturing capabilities, and reliable after-sale services.

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Expertise: Customization Services

Advantech Gaming Computing DMS has a dedicated project team to fulfill customer needs, from discovering and defining the real demands to delivering total solutions with a short time to market. We are a trustworthy partner, excelling in providing worry-free customization services.

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Methodology: Modular Product Plan

With decades of gaming design platform know-how, Advantech Gaming DMS offers solid hardware platform design, various peripheral choices, software solutions and customized service from component level to system level. Our object is definite and unchanging: to help the customer create reliable gaming systems.

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    Security Solution

    Total security solution, from HW to FW to API level.

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    Board Design

    Board design solution, from X86 to RISC platform.

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    System Integration

    Chassis design and system integration service.

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    Machine Integration

    Integration service including ecosystem / gaming devices for gaming machines.

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    Safety & EMC Pre-scan

    Provide Safety & EMC Pre-scan for customer verification.

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